6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Healthy on a Budget

6 Ways to Keep Your Furry Friend Healthy on a Budget (2)-min.png

During this pandemic, I’ve seen quite a few of my clients add a furry family member into their homes, and who can blame them!  There are countless studies about the relationship between pets and humans. Having a pet is known to provide emotional benefits as well as to improve one’s physical and mental health, and we all could use a little extra help in that department during the pandemic. About 40% of Americans own a dog and 29% own a cat which means pets are definitely an important part of many American households. 

The average cost of owning a dog, from puppy to senior, varies greatly on the size, breed and level of care you need over the dog’s lifetime.  The average cost of a small dog is about $15,051, medium dog is $15,782 and large dog is $14,480. 

Because pets are like family, and we want to give them the best lives ever, let’s talk about a few cost effective, personal care tips that you can do at home with your pup to help keep them healthy and happy and help prevent future health issues.  

Brush your dog’s teeth!

A veterinarian I used to work with said that we should be brushing our dog’s teeth daily.  Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly helps prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar and prevents issues like gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) which could lead to tooth loss and other health issues. Invest in a dog toothbrush (or soft baby toothbrush) and dog toothpaste to start practicing better oral care for your pup!  Taking care of your dog’s teeth could help prevent expensive dental surgeries down the line. 

Maintain regular grooming for your dog!

In addition to bathing your dog, regularly grooming your dog is also important to their health for a variety of reasons and can help prevent future medical issues for your pup.  By investing in a few low-cost tools and learning how to groom your dog at home, it will help you build a bond with your pup and save money and time at the groomers.  

  • Pawdicures!  

    • Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is important because long nails could force your dog to distribute their weight unevenly which could lead to arthritis down the line.  Nails left unchecked can also grow into their paw pads, causing your dog pain and possible infection. Invest in a dog nail trimmer or nail grinder and spend some time giving your pup at home pawdicures!  

  • Brush Outs! 

    • If your dog has a long coat that has a tendency to get matted, regularly brushing your dog's coat will help them stay tangle free and will save you time and money at the groomers. Many groomers will charge de-matting or special handling fees if your dog’s coat is severely matted.  Invest in a dog brush to keep your pup looking fresh! This will help save time and money at the groomers and keep your dog’s grooming experience less stressful. 

  • Ear Cleaning! 

    • If you bathe your dog at home, make sure to use a good ear cleaner after their bath that will help dry out the inside of your dog's ears, especially if they have floppy ears. Letting excess water sit in the ear could lead to ear infections and trips to the vet. Cleaning their ears regularly can help prevent these types of infections.  

Let food be your dog’s medicine! 

Feeding a high quality diet is important and will help keep your pets healthy in the long run.  Like human food, not all dog food is created equally. Make sure to keep an eye on the first 5 ingredients going into your dog’s food, and ensure that it lists a superior source or sources of protein as the top ingredients.

Schedule time to play daily! 

Although your pup might look very different from a wolf, they still share 99.9% of the same DNA as wolves. Knowing the history of your dog's breed will tell you how much exercise, mental stimulation and companionship your dog needs each day.  By giving them the proper amount of exercise, it will help keep them fit, maintain proper body weight and help mentally stimulate your pup. Extra weight on your pup could put a strain on their spine and joints and lead to future health issues. Making sure they get enough physical and mental stimulation will help keep your dog healthy and happy and it’s something that you can do for free!  Spending time with your pup daily to play games and get some exercise is a great way to bond!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these few personal care tips that you can do with your pup at home.  As always, work with your veterinarian to see if your pup has any special needs and additional care requirements!

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