5 Job Search Tips During COVID-19

5 Job Search Tips During Covid-19.png

1. Grow Your Network

Get acclimated on LinkedIn! LinkedIn is the number one social networking site for finding new opportunities with over 500 million users. Make sure your profile is up to date and begin to establish new connections. Post your talents, resume, and professional thoughts and you will be surprised with the new relationships you may build for the future of your career!

2. Apply! Apply! Apply!

Remember during any time, it may be hard to land an interview. Do not get discouraged and take time to realign your resume with the jobs you are applying for. Set a designated time period to apply or set a goal of applications you anticipate to get through daily. Don’t give up! 

3. Edit Your Resume and Cover Letter

Take the time to review your resume for each job. Many job portals use algorithms to pull keywords from particular resumes and cover letters. Make sure that both documents include keywords from the job description. This is a key factor to get recognition from many companies!

4. Post on Job Boards

Many job boards offer you the option to post your resume. This is a great way to bring attention to  yourself for companies who are looking for employees versus employees looking for employers. There are many job boards like Monster, CareerBuilder, Indeed, and even Craigslist - that allow you to post your resume. Spread the word about yourself!

5. Stay Healthy

Applying for jobs is a job within itself. Make sure that you stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and take care of yourself mentally. In order to see the best results, you have to be in your right frame of mind. Take breaks, exercise, and make sure you are getting enough sleep, so you are putting forth your best efforts!

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