5 Ways to Stay Active in Your Job Search During Covid-19

Set a Routine 


Looking for a job is tedious and some may even call it, a job within itself. Make sure you 

are following a routine - set aside time for lunch, exercise, or your favorite activities! Staying in a routine also allows you to create somewhat of a “work-space” for yourself, so when you find a new job (you got this!) a schedule will not be overwhelming to you. This will help you have a peace of mind and more than likely, receive better results!

Partner Up!

Find someone who seems to be searching for a job as well (preferably in a different field than yours) and hold each other accountable! It makes job seeking a bit more fun and you have someone you can discuss your day with! Set goals together and share tips - it’s always good to have someone in your corner!

Take a Class

There are so many free classes available from top tier Universities such as Harvard and Yale. Do diligent research on what can help you expand your knowledge in your current career skillset or perhaps a new career path that these free educational tools may provide for you! It is not only a great add to your resume for professional development, but it may also help you achieve a personal milestone as well.

Seek inspiration from others

Job searching is often a long and tedious process, and may be even more challenging with the virtual factor.. To stay inspired and motivated, it may be helpful to look up people in career roles that interest you. Take note on how they got to where they are now and the jobs they had leading up to their current role. Many times people think getting to your ideal role is one set lane, but in reality many people take career pivots. There isn't any right way to get to your dream job!

Don't forget to take breaks

Feeling tired after submitting 20 job applications in a day? It is exhausting! You may feel like you need to constantly be submitting applications, checking your email, taking phone interviews, or browsing LinkedIn, but everyone needs a break during the day. Go for a walk, eat your lunch, and enjoy your weekends like you normally would! Job searching can often feel like a full time job so you need to take as many breaks as you would with a full time job, too.

While it may seem tedious to keep up with the three items above, remember the reward in the end. Your goal is to achieve a job and to be prepared for the expectations that it may come with. All this goes to say, don’t give up! Follow through with the steps above to not only achieve your goal, but to be mentally ready! Take breaks, manifest, and think positive! Everything starts with your mind. You got this! 

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