Employee Engagement and Wellness Ideas Besides Yoga


I talk to a lot of HR Directors and Employee wellness mangers. A lot. 

And a common theme on my calls this week has been “we’re looking for employee wellness ideas that aren’t yoga or meditation.” 

As a non-yogi (I’ve tried, but I would rather play touch football which is a COVID-era  no-no) I appreciate this. Here’s 10 ideas YOU, the HR and Engagement managers I spoken with, have implemented in your companies. 

  • Virtual cooking or cocktail classes 

  • Virtual movies nights (watch through Netflix Party so you can live chat) 

  • Having a social worker or a therapist speak about stress management 

  • Learning about meal prepping through a food and nutritional speaker 

  • Sending surprise boxes to employees filled with candles, cozy socks and other fun items 

  • Mandated vacation time 

  • Virtual babysitting or tutors for kids 

  • Weekly trivia games during lunch 

  • Family Fun Fridays for employees with kids, featuring music and magic shows or pet parades 

  • Financial wellness webinars

Employers know that employees - even if they are employed- are worried about their finances. Perhaps a partner or spouse took a pay cut or lost a job. According to SHRM, employers know that if their employees feel more confident and assured in their finances and overall financial literacy, it will lead to increased productivity during the work day. The Gym offers hour-long live webinars with time for Q&A. All webinars can be recorded so you can post on your internal employee intranet or send to employees who missed the live event. There are over 20 webinars including with topics ranging from family planning to budgeting to foundational personal finance to finances in uncertain times.

If you’re interested in learning more about our financial wellness programs for your employees, fill out the form here and a member of our Corporate Wellness Team will reach out to you.

The Financial Gym is a national, personal financial services company with a fitness-inspired approach. Certified Financial Trainers™ work with employees via corporate partnerships one-on-one virtually and in physical locations across the country. 

Employees learn financial literacy; specifically, they learn how to be accountable for their money; how to make smarter, and more strategic decisions about their finances, which alleviates financial anxiety and enables a greater focus on their work.