Start Your Financial Coaching Business This Year With The CFT School
Have you ever thought about being a financial trainer? If so, we have some exciting news! We recently launched “The CFT School” which is The Financial Gym’s new Certified Financial Trainer licensing program. In this program, people will go through Trainer Academy and become a Certified Financial Trainer in order to work with their own clients. Up until now, the only way to receive this designation was to work here at The Gym.
What does a financial trainer do?
Before moving forward, you probably want to learn more about what a financial trainer actually is and what we do. As financial trainers, we take a fitness-inspired approach to our clients’ finances. We work with clients of all financial backgrounds one-on-one to help them set financial goals, create a plan for accomplishing their goals, and support them along the way to achieving these goals. Overall, we celebrate our clients’ wins with them and also help them with any issues that come up along the way.
Who is a good fit for the CFT program?
Someone looking for a career change into the personal finance space would be a great candidate for The CFT School. Maybe personal finance has become a new passion for you, but you’re not sure how to enter the field. Maybe you’ve been considering it for a while, but all of the current certification programs out there are too expensive or require too much of a time commitment. Our CFT program is the perfect way to add credibility to your name in the field, whether you want to start your own financial training business or join a larger company that requires financial training or experience.
Another great fit would be someone who is looking to add financial coaching services to help their current clients succeed. For example, maybe you already run a coaching business but want to add financial coaching to your offerings. Maybe you are a social worker or therapist trying to gain more understanding of personal finances to help your clients make informed decisions.
Further, someone seeking a community of like-minded, empathetic professionals would be great in The CFT School. Personal finances can feel very private and unfortunately, society puts a lot of shame on some personal finance topics, especially debt. Being able to learn amongst other dedicated professionals and have open conversations about personal finance topics can be a great way to find a like-minded community of people who care about personal finance as much as you do.
What is The CFT School?
So now that you know a bit more about what it’s like to be a financial trainer, let’s learn more about The CFT School! Our CFT licensing program is a comprehensive boot camp that teaches you the ins and outs of personal finance, as well as how to be an amazing financial trainer to your clients. There are 3 tiers to the program, depending on what level of training you are looking for. Each tier includes a flexible training schedule to accommodate people’s already busy lives. The curriculum focuses on:
Your role as a financial trainer
Behavioral finance 101
How to “gymsplain” financial topics that matter most to your clients
The art of writing financial plans
The basics of client success
If our CFT program sounds like a good fit for you, you can go to our website, under Our Services, and sign up for more information about The CFT School. Once you submit your interest in the program through our website, we will be reaching out to you via email to set up a time to chat. If you want to see just how important and life-changing your work will be as a Certified Financial Trainer, you can head over to Trustpilot to read our reviews! You’ll see real stories of client successes and how impactful this work is.