How Can Meditation Help My Finances? with Genar & Kadri

On this episode of Financially Naked: Stories from The Financial Gym, we explore the fascinating similarities between budgeting and meditation. While at first glance, these two concepts might seem unrelated, they are actually quite similar. Both require discipline, focus, and a commitment to self-improvement.

Two of our Certified Financial Trainers, Kadri and Genar, talk about how meditation can be a powerful tool for improving financial health. By taking the time to clear your mind, you can gain greater clarity on your financial goals and priorities. This can help you manage stress and anxiety related to financial issues. 

Podcast Notes

  • Incorporating meditation into one's daily routine can positively impact many aspects of life. Both Kadri and Genar have gone through meditation journeys. 

  • At some points, they're more disciplined with it than others, but that's okay! We go through seasons. For the first year, sitting down to meditate was frustrating for Genar. Kadri started with 2-3 minute sessions and worked up to an hour. 

  • Part of the process is learning patience and working on forgiveness and self-compassion. Your brain is full of chatter, which is a challenge at first. 

  • Some of the benefits of meditating can include: A reduction in stress and anxiety, improved focus and concentration, increased self-awareness, enhanced sleep quality, increased feelings of compassion, patience, and empathy, and it can help individuals develop a more positive outlook on life. 

How can a meditation practice improve our financial health?

  • Our early experiences with money significantly impact how we handle our finances as adults. Even if we weren’t taught those money lessons directly. Meditating can help us become more mindful and reflect on these lessons.  

  • Meditation can help you become more regulated. Trauma is stored in our bodies, and it can be challenging to make decisions when we’re dysregulated. 

  • Patience is a key ingredient for successful budgeting. One of the major skills learned through meditation is patience and awareness. 

  • By planning and prioritizing a spending plan, we can avoid impulsive purchases in a world full of instant gratification. We tend to want everything as fast as possible, and meditation helps us slow down. 

  • What is going on in our lives on an emotional level directly affects our financial choices. It is common for stress, anxiety, or depression to cause overspending.  

How can I start a meditation practice? 

  • Meditation can come in a lot of different forms. It can include breathwork, yoga, working out, walking, lying on the beach, or being in nature. Try some different styles and find what works best for you. 

  • Starting a new meditation practice can feel intimidating at first. Here are some tips to help you get started:

    • Find a spot where you can relax with minimal distractions. 

    • Use a guided meditation resource if you prefer instruction and prompts. There are apps and Youtube videos out there, completely free to try. 

    • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just observe the sensation of the air going in and out of your body.  

    • Focus on progress over perfection. The goal of meditation is not to achieve a particular metric but to observe what's happening in your mind and body. 

    • Start small, be kind to yourself, and keep at it. Meditation is a skill; with time and practice, it will become more enjoyable.  

If you want to work with a Certified Financial Trainer to help navigate your finances, schedule a free warm-up call today! If you have any ideas or questions for the show, send an email to


Meet The Trainers

Meet Genar Mendez, Level 2 Certified Financial Trainer 
Meet Kadri Augustin, Level 3 Certified Financial Trainer