10 Items That Are Worth Buying in Bulk

Saving money at the store isn’t just restricted to holiday sales and the clearance bin. Shopping the aisles of bulk warehouse stores, like Sam’s Club, can save you a good amount of cash, too. 

When it comes to getting the best value, not everything in bulk is created equal. To avoid overspending on your next shopping trip, it’s important to know which bulk wholesale items are worth their volume and cost.


1. Household paper goods

If you’re wondering what to buy at Costco, paper goods, like toilet paper and paper towels are smart purchases since these products never lose their shelf life. Although they can take up a considerable amount of storage space in your home, chances are you’ll use them fast enough to free up your shelves.

2. Diapers

Cloth diapers can be more affordable and better for the environment, but they’re not for everyone. Disposable diapers are still widely used but can be pricey when purchased in small packages. Considering how often diapers need to be changed, it’s a good idea to stock up on diapers especially if you expect to size up in the near future.

3. Soaps

Whether it’s dishwasher soap, hand soap, or laundry detergent, soap is one of the best bulk wholesale items to keep on hand. With the sizes available at bulk stores, one purchase may last you months. If you pick up a liquid soap, you can even transfer it to a smaller, easier-to-handle bottle for convenience without losing out on the savings.

4. Shampoo and conditioner

If you and your family all use the same hair care products, purchasing shampoo and conditioner in bulk makes a lot of sense. Do you personally love a particular brand that’s available at your warehouse store? Buying it in bulk even if you’re the only one in your household using it might still be a value if it costs considerably more per ounce elsewhere. 

5. Toothbrushes and toothpaste

The American Dental Association recommends changing out your toothbrush every three to four months — even sooner, if the bristles are visibly frayed. Instead of buying one toothbrush at a time, bulk wholesale items like toothbrushes can help you save money and stay on top of your oral health. You can also purchase bulk packages of toothpaste which you use daily anyway.

6. Trash bags

Trash bags are another daily use item that is functional in multiple parts of your home. Due to its compact nature, stowing a bulk trash bag pack under the sink or in a cabinet isn’t as cumbersome as you might think. If you and your friends regularly plan outings, like camping or beach trips, you can also volunteer to bring large trash bags for the group with the risk of running out.

7. Dry pantry items

More non-perishable bulk wholesale items for your pantry? Why yes! Dry goods that don’t go stale quickly and have a lengthy shelf life are the best bulk products to snag. Bulk items like oatmeal, dry pasta and grains, and canned goods provide a great base for a variety of meals without breaking the bank. 

8. Alcohol

Whether you’re enjoying a drink at the bar or whipping up a nightcap at home, the cost of alcohol can be expensive. Bulk warehouses often sell bottles of alcohol for a fraction of the price, compared to a specialty liquor store or grocery store. 

Plus, certain wholesale stores, like Costco, sell their own branded alcohol which is made at the same distillery as high-end labels. Although it may not be exactly the same grade of alcohol, the quality is a steal for the price per ounce.

9. Dog food

Does your pup love their current dog food? If you don’t expect to switch up their kibble anytime soon, dog food is among the top bulk wholesale items to buy. Just make sure your furbaby doesn’t get into the whole bag in one go or you might have a sick pooch on your hands. If possible, try storing the food in an airtight container to prevent it from getting stale or inviting unwanted pests. 

10. Gift cards

Chronic gift card givers (let’s be real — who doesn’t enjoy spending money) can shave a few dollars off by buying gift cards in bulk at warehouse stores. With a good variety of gift cards for brick-and-mortar shops and restaurants, online stores, and entertainment, you’ll find the perfect gift card for anyone on your list.

Before jotting down a list of what to buy at Costco, make sure you’re following smart shopping rules at warehouse stores. When buying bulk wholesale items, look for items that you use daily or weekly, that aren’t perishable (e.g. produce), and that won’t take up too much real estate in your home. Stay mindful about what you buy and use these guidelines to stay in budget at checkout.

Jennifer Calonia