4 Ways to Cultivate a Money & Abundance Mindset

Manifesting money can look different for each and every person. There is certainly not a “one size fits all” approach to manifesting money. It can come from a place of need or desire, but it always starts with a positive and an open-minded attitude. Here are some tips to start manifesting today!

Stay Open-Minded

If you want to get started manifesting money, it is important to note that manifesting can appear in many different ways. Allowing yourself to manifest means leaving all doors and opportunities open for yourself, even if they don’t seem like opportunities you would normally take. Open-mindedness is an important skill to develop because it allows you to exit your comfort zone and perhaps try opportunities you may not have previously tried.

This may apply to many people during our still uncertain world right now. Industries are shifting and some people may be forced to pivot careers. Allowing and embracing each and every opportunity that comes into your life at this time is the most valuable headspace you can create for yourself. You never know where an opportunity may lead, and fear or a closed-minded attitude should never stop you from taking a new path towards your goals.

Practice Positive Affirmations

Reciting positive affirmations is a tried and true tactic for reaching a point where you truly believe in yourself and believe in your goals. A positive mindset is key and you must be confident that you CAN gain the wealth you have been working for and striving for. One way we love to instill this deep-down confidence is through positive affirmations. The best way to positively affirm yourself is to write them down with a good old-fashioned pen and paper, and then recite them daily. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Today is a brand new day to start fresh. My past spending does not impact the choices I make today.

  • I will be financially prosperous.

  • I am worthy.

  • I am open to new forms of wealth that life has to offer me.

  • Money is simply a tool to grow.

Use Goal-Setting Techniques

Goal setting is important in every aspect of life, especially in manifesting money. We believe in setting goals as a way to look forward to achieving something. Goals are a way to create a concrete stepping stone within your life; once you achieve a goal, there is always going to be a bigger, even more exciting goal on the other side. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself before setting concrete goals while money manifesting:

  • What am I working for?

  • What do I intend to accomplish with my money?

  • How can I improve the quality of my life with this money?

Assign Value and Intention to Your Money

Similar to setting goals, money manifesting can come from setting intentions. It can be valuable to set intentions to each and every purchase you make. You can do this by creating a dialogue with yourself when you spend money. Here are some examples:

  • “I am spending money on this apartment so I have a safe and comfortable place to live.”

  • “I am spending money on this workout class so I create healthy habits and feel good about myself after.” 

  • “I am spending money on this dinner out so I can enjoy a fun time with my friends and create wonderful memories.”

It is important to prioritize what you spend your money on so that you can manifest and save for the things you really want to spend on (vacations, pets, saving for a home, new car, etc.) If you add value to each and every purchase, you will quickly realize that not every dollar spent is spent with intention, and adding a reason to each dollar helps to curb unintentional spending.

Ready to take your finances to the next level?

To get started schedule a free 20 minute consultation call to speak to a member of our team. We will ask you a few basic questions to get to know you more, walk you through our financial training program steps, and of course answer any questions you may have. No pressure to join!


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