Why You Should Always Fill Out Your Census


Every 10 years the government is required by the constitution to conduct a census which counts the population. The data collected helps inform federal funding towards daily services, products and community support such as hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads and other resources. The information is also used to decide the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.

Why is it important?

Where there are more people, there is more need. These results help determine things that affect your life on a regular basis, such as your daily commute (whether you take public transportation or drive on roads that need to be repaired), water and waste management, housing programs, parks departments and so many others.

The information is also used to decide how your neighborhood is represented in government by drawing congressional and state legislative districts. It’s important to make sure everyone is counted. If we don’t count everyone now, then many groups will be underrepresented in the next ten years and their voices won’t have a chance to be heard. 

Who should respond?

Everyone living in the United States and its five territories is required by law to be counted in the 2020 Census. One form should be filled out per home whether that household is made up of relatives or roommates as of April 1, 2020. The purpose is to count everyone living in the United States and it’s five territories (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and the US Virgin Islands). Citizens of foreign countries that are currently living in the US should be counted, whereas US Citizens that are not living in the US should NOT be counted. 

Many people were staying in a different location on April 1, 2020 because of COVID. Ideally, everyone should be counted where they usually live. College students should be counted at school and would be counted by the college if they are in student housing, and should fill out the form for their off-campus address if that is the case. Active US Military Personnel’s living circumstances will determine how they are counted. 

For more specific information on special circumstances check here: https://2020census.gov/en/who-to-count.html

How do I respond?

You should fill out a questionnaire that will take around 10 minutes to complete. The Census Bureau mailed out forms back in March/April which you can fill out and mail back. If you didn’t get that form, maybe threw it out or misplaced it, not to worry! You can easily fill out the questionnaire online here: https://my2020census.gov/ or over the phone by calling 844-330-2020. You can also check this site to complete the Census in other languages.

Census takers began following up on households that have not responded yet on July 16 and will continue through September 30, 2020. If you have not already filled out your form, you can do so with them. Click here for more information on census takers coming to your door.

What information do they ask?

The questions ask how many people were living at the location on April 1st and some details about each. The information includes name, date of birth, sex and race. The information can affect the funding to a neighbor in many ways. For example an area with more children will need more money for schooling, where an area with a larger eldery population would require more services offering assistance to them. 

The information collected by the United States Census 2020 will affect decisions from the top down in government for the next ten years. While it feels like there is not much one person can do to affect change, every little step helps to make sure we are all represented and heard. This is one quick and easy way to have an impact on the government, which will lead to changes in the future.

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