Building a Skincare Routine on a Budget

Building a Skincare Routine on a Budget (1)-min.png

As a former beauty consultant and skincare enthusiast, I love all things skincare and beauty. From high end to drug store products, I have nearly seen and tried it all. Now that I am a Trainer here at the gym, what better way to combine my love for budgeting and skincare than helping you build a budget-friendly skincare routine!

3 Reasons Why a Daily Skincare Routine is Important

  • Prevention costs less - It costs way less to be proactive than reactive. If you get in the habit of neglecting your skin now, in the future you might be met with having to pay for treatments and creams that cost hundreds of dollars. By having a solid daily routine, you can prevent your skin AND your pockets from running dry. 

  • A moment to yourself - We are constantly running around and trying to juggle so many things in life. Having a daily routine allows you to dedicate time in the day to care for yourself! Self care comes in so many forms and one of the best ways to use your “me time” is to care and nourish your skin.

  • Beauty doesn’t need to be painful but it does take time - In the same way we are putting $100 every month into our travel funds, brokerage accounts, debt avalanche etc, a daily dose of skincare is like a daily deposit toward your overall health and wellness.

Beauty does not have to break the bank or take 20 steps to achieve healthy, smooth and glowing skin! The skincare world can be quite daunting but it's all about bringing it back to basics. 

  • To get started, you need to build a solid foundation of 3 main non-negotiable steps: 

    • Cleanser

    • Moisturizer

    • SPF

Once you lock down your go-to regimen you can then start adding some bonus daily or weekly treatments to amplify your beauty routine.

Let’s Get Back to Basics for $20 or less!

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, check out our course: Budgeting Bootcamp.

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