How to Spend Less on Dining Out

Many clients say they would like to spend less on dining out. This simple goal can be more complicated than it seems and it’s worth it to first look at your dining habits and then assess if they are aligned with your values.

Motivations for Dining Out

After years of working in the food industry and observing my own patterns of dining out, I started to notice the different types of dining out. Let's break it down and see how this relates to spending.


Stress and busy schedules can increase our desire for quick comfort food. These days, there are so many convenient ways to grab food on the go. It used to just be drive-thrus and takeout, but apps with delivery have become a new standard. 

Here are some things to think about if you find yourself stress dining:

  • Could you save money by picking up your order instead of having it delivered? Would the tiny break of going to get your order possibly even reduce your stress?

  • At the end of the day, the last thing you want to do is cook a big meal. Check out the blog Cheap and Easy Meals That Aren’t Meal Prepped for ideas.

  • Beware of earning rewards points. Companies gamify their apps to make it seem like you're saving, but the goal of these systems isn’t to give you discounts, it’s to encourage earning points by spending more.

  • Give yourself some grace! It may be unreasonable to completely stop spending in this category. Noticing your habits is the first step to change.


While it’s great to support a brand whose values you agree with, it’s worth questioning if the value and quality really hold up. Often the image created by a restaurant or brand is meant to be a lifestyle or status symbol. We may default to dining in the same places everyone around us does and never question why. Consider changing up your routines and testing out other potentially less expensive options. 

My favorite trick for coffee is to take advantage of a reusable mug from your favorite shop, allowing you to support them even if you make your own coffee!


Social dining can come in many forms, including meals out with friends or coworkers, or even seeing the regular barista or waitress you love. Sometimes these small interactions could be the highlight of a tough day.

This type of social dining can quickly add up to more than you want to spend and can cut into saving for your other goals. A great blog to read and discuss with your friends is 9 Things to Do Instead of Dining Out. It’s important to be clear that just because you want to reduce dining spending doesn’t mean you want to see your friends any less. 

Another area where dining out can be encouraged is in the office. Eating lunch out every day can add up, but skipping it every time means missing opportunities to create important work relationships. Ultimately, be mindful of how social dining is impacting your financial, mental, and social health.

Tips for Dining Out Less

In reality, your current dining out habits may blur the lines of the framework above. Still,  thinking about dining spending through this lens can help you to be more mindful. Key questions to ask yourself when thinking about your dining out budget:

  • How does this spending impact all areas of your health: financial, social, physical, and mental? Bonus points for looking at spending on drinks!

  • Will this lead me to spend more later? For example, will not buying prepared meals cause you to spend more on dining out later in the week?

Absence can make the appetite grow fonder, and I find that sometimes cutting back on regular dining out can make me appreciate the treat that much more.

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