8 Environmentally-Friendly Moves & How They Affect Your Finances

It’s no secret that human behavior is altering our environment, and it’s only natural to want to help, but figuring out where to start can feel overwhelming—especially when changes to help the environment come with an added cost. Luckily, there are a lot of environmentally-friendly moves you can make that will actually save you money.

Environmentally-Friendly Moves That Will Save You Money

Buy used

Before buying new, try to get it used! These days, there are numerous options for finding used items including Facebook Marketplace, Buy Nothing groups, Craigslist, and local thrift stores. Buying used (or getting it for free) means you're extending the life of an item that might have otherwise ended up in a landfill and reducing the need to manufacture something new just for you. It’s also much cheaper to buy certain items (such as clothes, electronics, and furniture) used so your bank account will be happier too.

Join a CSA

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) allows you to get a weekly box of produce fresh from a local farm over the spring, summer, and fall. Generally, you pay upfront for the season, and a week’s worth of produce averages about $30 depending on where you live.

Reduce energy consumption

We’ve all heard the advice about turning off lights when you are using them and not leaving the water running, but have you thought about taking it to the next level? Many electronics, especially chargers, continue to draw energy when they are plugged in, even if your phone is not plugged in or your computer is off. A kilowatt meter can help you identify which of your devices are still sucking energy when they are plugged in. Some libraries lend out tools to help identify energy efficiencies—see if yours is one of them!

Bike or walk for transportation

If you live in a walkable or bikeable area, this is a great way to reduce costs, get some exercise, and avoid releasing more carbon dioxide in the air. Triple win! 

Environmentally-Friendly Moves That Will Cost You More

If you’re looking to take your environmentally-friendly behavior to the next level and you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is, consider making changes that might cost you more (at least upfront).

Choose quality products designed to last longer 

We all know that fast fashion creates waste. When you do need to purchase something new, opt for good quality items that will last. 

Shop your local farmer’s market

Buying local food direct from the source is about as environmentally-friendly as you can get without growing your own food. Shopping at the farmer’s market is typically more expensive than getting a CSA box but you can choose the specific items that you want.

Shop sustainable stores & brands

In the Amazon age, it can feel like there is no convenient, sustainable alternative. EarthHero is trying to change that by making buying sustainable products second nature.

Switch to alternative energy 

If you need to buy a new car, maybe it’s time to consider an electric vehicle. Depending on where you live, adding solar could be an option. 

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