Is the Financial Gym Worth It?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Nobody is going to care more about your money than you do.” But at TFG, you’ll find that we care at least as much about your money as you do. Spending your hard-earned money to get help with your finances kind of feels like an oxymoron though so before you shell out cash, you want to make sure you’re going to get your money’s worth. We totally get it!

Here’s how to know if the Financial Gym is for you.

When is it worth working with the Financial Gym?

If any of these statements resonate with you, welcome, you’re in the right place!

  • You get overwhelmed by the thought of taking action on your finances: When your financial situation feels out of control, overwhelm sets in. You need a plan and clear action steps to get started.

  • You know what you should be doing, but you’re just not doing it: You want to start saving or spend less money to achieve your goals, but you just can’t seem to do it on your own. You need accountability from someone who is not going to judge you but will remind you of what you’re working for.

  • You’re doing what you think you should be doing, but it’s not working for you: You’ve connected your bank accounts to a budgeting app and consolidated your debt with a personal loan, but you are still coming up short at the end of the month. You need out-of-the-box solutions that actually work for real people, not some fictional, 100% rational human.

  • You aren’t sure how all of the financial advice out there applies to your situation: There is enough personal finance content in the world today to spend years soaking it in, but sometimes the advice you hear is contradictory. You need someone who can sift through the noise and give you tailored advice.

What do you get out of working with the Financial Gym?

  • Action Steps: Every financial plan ends with a page of action steps for you to start implementing your financial plan. You get new action items every three months at your quarterly review. These tasks can be big (like rolling over an old retirement account) or small (like canceling a subscription you don’t need), but they always help you get closer to your goals. Many clients experience a huge sense of relief from just seeing their plan laid out on paper.

  • Accountability: Many people need outer accountability in order to accomplish their goals—even things they want to do. At TFG, we provide judgment-free accountability through quarterly reviews, check-in meetings, and email reminders. 

  • Thought Partner: Your trainer can help you think through the potential impacts of major financial decisions. They can take your dream of going on a sabbatical or buying a home and show you what you need to do to accomplish it. You and your priorities are always centerstage.

  • Cheerleader: At TFG, we are really good at identifying “wins” clients tend to overlook. Recognizing your success is an essential part of keeping up the motivation to continue making financial changes.

What results can you expect from working with the Financial Gym?

We’ve seen amazing transformations in our clients’ finances—sometimes it happens in the first few months and sometimes it takes years. Just like at a physical gym, your trainer gives you a plan to reach your goals, but you have to do the workout. Changing your finances means changing your life and you’re the only one who can do that, but TFG is here to guide, support, and celebrate you along the way. If you’re ready to do the work, these are some of the results you may see:

  • Less Debt: During their first six months of membership, our average client paid off nearly 45% of their consumer debt.

  • More Savings: Our average client increased their emergency savings by almost 150% in their first six months.

  • Higher Credit Score: On average, clients saw their credit scores increase by 13 points in their first six months.

  • Less Anxiety: 79% of clients reported a decrease in financial anxiety in their first year with TFG.

  • More Confidence: 95% of our clients reported an increase in confidence around their finances in their first year.

Source: Financial Gym Client Impact Report 2020-2021

Ready to take your finances to the next level? 

To get started, schedule a free 20-minute consultation call to speak to a member of our team. We will ask you a few basic questions to get to know you more, walk you through our financial training program steps, and answer any questions you may have. No pressure to join! Need advice quickly? Talk to one of our Trainers on Demand.


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