The Financially Free Blog
4 Major Saving Mistakes You Might Be Making
We all know that we should be saving — and yet, nearly 60% of Americans could not cover a $1,000 unexpected expense in cash. While income and the cost of living are issues for many people, that’s not always the case: sometimes we are getting in our own way when it comes to saving. Are you holding yourself back by making any of these saving mistakes?
How to Create More Financial Freedom for Yourself (And Others)
While Juneteenth marks a celebration of freedom for Black Americans, it also encourages us to reflect on what “freedom” really means. Black Americans have been free from slavery for more than a century and a half now, but their freedom has been restricted in other ways due to systemic racism, including financially.
Ask a Trainer: Should I Live at Home or Move Out After Graduating?
Graduating from college is a significant milestone in one's life, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter. It's a time of mixed emotions, with feelings of excitement, accomplishment, and uncertainty all intertwined.
5 Rollover Mistakes to Avoid
Rolling over a 401(k) can be an arduous and confusing process made worse by the fear of making an error that has unintended consequences. And while there are companies out there like Capitalize who can help you with a rollover, knowing a few key mistakes to avoid will give you more confidence in the rollover process.
LGBTQIA+ Personal Finance Blogs and Creators to Follow
It’s Pride Month and although we too enjoy celebrating with parties and rainbows galore, it is important to remember pride is so much more than that. Pride is about action and supporting those in the LGBTQIA+ community this month and every day to come. We wanted to take the time to highlight just a few of our favorite personal finance blogs and creators in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Why You Need a Money Date (With Yourself)
Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy to fall out of touch with your money. With everything else going on in life—family, friends, work, and life—keeping tabs on your finances falls by the wayside. But you spend 40 hours per week working hard for your money; shouldn’t you take 20-30 minutes per week to make sure your money is working for you? That’s where money dates come in!
How to Choose the Best Rewards Credit Card for You
Deciding on your first rewards credit card is exciting, but it can also be tricky. All of your friends (and everyone on the internet) have an opinion about what is “the best” rewards credit card—but what is right for others may not necessarily be right for you. Consider these three questions before you jump on applying for your first rewards credit card.
How to Support The LGBTQIA+ Community With Your Dollar
Pride is so much more than partying, speeches about equality, rainbows, and lots of Gaga.
Money can be such a powerful tool when voting with your dollar. Here are a few ways you can support the LGBTQIA+ community with your dollar with an emphasis on Queer BIWOC owned businesses.
3 Ways to Think About Your Expenses
What comes to mind when you think about your expenses? Maybe rent, food, transportation, shopping, personal care, and so on. Your expenses are anything that you spend money on and they are the main building blocks of a budget. But before you create a budget, you need to fully understand what your expenses are, and — just as importantly — how they impact your budget differently.
How to Automate Your Savings
We all wish there was an “easy button” when it comes to saving. While we don’t have that (at least, not yet!), we do have the next best thing: automation. Automating your savings takes the guesswork out of whether and how much to save. We only have so much time, attention, and focus.
3 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Freaking Out About Your Credit Score
There’s a lot of mystery around credit scores, and while credit scores do matter in certain situations, most of the time, you can and should stop freaking out about your credit score.
What is Cash Stuffing? And How to Make it Work Today
As many people’s budgets have gotten tighter over the past year, there has been a resurgence of interest in simple but effective ways to manage money. One of those trends you might have caught in news headlines or on TikTok is cash stuffing.
How to Talk to Your Friends About Money
Our closest friends are those that we feel comfortable talking to about anything and everything! Conversations between good friends can easily flow from fascinating projects at work, to latest updates on our dating lives, to a good book we just read. And yet, one topic tends to remain taboo among even the best of friends, and that is money!
3 Ways to Keep a Job You Love When You Aren’t Being Paid Enough
We’ve all heard the saying, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Securing your dream job can feel like winning the lottery—unless you aren’t getting paid enough. If you are struggling to live your best life on your salary, you have a few options for trying to make it work.
What You Can Learn About Organizing Your Finances From the Home Edit
The popularity of The Home Edit Netflix show has proven that there is something widely appealing about getting organized. Organizing your finances feels just as good as organizing your physical space. Follow the four step organizing method from The Home Edit organizing pros to get your finances in order: edit, categorize, contain, and maintain.
6 Options for Affordable Mental Health Care
When you’re struggling with your mental health, dealing with your finances feels exponentially more difficult. If you feel anxious about your debt, you may avoid opening bills and rack up late payments. Ironically, even though mental health challenges can make it harder to address financial issues, the expense of getting mental can be a barrier in and of itself. If cost is standing in your way of getting therapy or other mental health care, consider these options.
When Should You Use Your Emergency Fund?
So many personal finance experts (us included!) preach about the importance of having an emergency fund. We do this for a reason! A recent survey found more than two-thirds of Americans worry that their emergency savings would not even last them one month. But sometimes, we focus so much on the why and how of building an emergency fund that guidance about how and when to use your emergency fund falls by the wayside.
Is ESG Investing the Same as Impact Investing?
As awareness and anxiety over climate change, human rights, and other social issues increases, financial products are increasingly called upon as drivers of change. According to a 2021 report from Morgan Stanley, 99% of millennials are interested in sustainable investing.
Unfortunately, it may not be immediately clear how to green your portfolio.
3 Things Holding You Back from Getting Help With Your Finances
Many people struggle with their personal finances. In fact, according to a recent survey, more than three-quarters of Americans feel anxiety about their financial situation. Action is the antidote to anxiety—you have to address your finances head on to see improvement. But sometimes, you don’t even know where to start.
How to Manage Your Finances Through Mental Health Challenges
We’d all love to be on top of our finances, but we are not always in the right headspace to do that—especially if we’re facing mental health challenges. Mental health and financial health are so intertwined. Financial stress can be the source of mental health challenges and mental health challenges can cause financial stress. Either way, you need to focus on what is causing the stress first.