Why is Reflecting on Your Finances Important? with Kylie & Sam
Welcome to another episode of Financially Naked: Stories from the Financial Gym. As we approach the end of 2024, hosts Kylie and Sam invite you to join them on a reflective personal finance exercise. Discover the potential of aligning your financial goals with your values and gain insights on staying accountable as you embark on a financial wellness journey.
In this episode, Kylie and Sam discuss the power of looking back on your financial progress and sharing insights on how this practice can serve as a catalyst for setting meaningful goals for the upcoming year. They'll provide tips and tricks for financial self-discovery, offering strategies to help you achieve your biggest goals.
Podcast Notes
If you want to set any goal, understanding where you are starting is an important step. It's hard to know where you're going if you're unsure where you are right now.
This is a huge part of your First Financial Session, aka Financially Naked Session at The Gym. Being a Financial Gym client is how Sam started regularly tracking her progress.
Each quarter, your Trainer records your numbers, checks in on your goals, and helps you set action steps. It's a time to celebrate wins, discuss opportunities, and have a record of your progress.
The Power of Reflection
Recording your goals and feelings over time is a powerful measure of your progress. Sometimes, growth can be hard to feel in the moment, so pausing to reflect is important.
Life moves fast. It can be hard to remember things, and having a record of your progress can help you set realistic goals and expectations for the future.
Your goals and what's important to you will change over time. Without pausing to reflect, you may be working towards goals that aren't important to you.
Reflection & Accountability Tools
The easiest way to start is by journaling. You can create your own prompts or use a system like SWOT.
SWOT goal setting system - write down everything you can think of in each category – SStrength |Weakness | Opportunity | Threat
Many reflection prompts already exist; you can search online for one that resonates with or inspires you. Try a few different prompts and make them your own.
Plenty of free resources and PDF downloads allow you to try different planner styles for free before purchasing one.
Finding Community and Accountability
Find an accountability buddy. A Financial Trainer is great, but you can do this exercise with a friend. There are so many ways to find accountability or community.
You can become a Financial Gym member or find a friend to hold you accountable!
Some planners have Facebook communities, which are great ways to find others using the same prompts and tools as you.
Reflection will lead to meaningful goals and greater progress.
If you want to work with a Certified Financial Trainer to help you set goals for the new year, schedule a free warm-up call today! If you have any ideas or questions for the show, send an email to trainerpodcast@fingyms.com.
Meet The Trainers
Kylie Lipinski, Level 2 Certified Financial Trainer
Sam Cash, Level 2 Certified Financial Trainer