How Financial Decisions and Luck Can Affect Your Future

On this episode of Financially Naked: Stories from The Financial Gym, hosts Kadri and Tina, both Trainer Advisors at The Gym, dive into conversation about how luck and personal choices have shaped their financial journeys. They share their unique life paths, discuss the impact of early financial decisions, and reflect on finding balance between saving for the future and enjoying life in the moment.  

Podcast Notes 

Life Paths & Early Financial Decisions  

  • Kadri and Tina are first-generation Americans and Trainer Advisors at The Financial Gym. Despite similarities in their backgrounds and the year they graduated (2005), they had very different money habits throughout their lives.   

  • After high school, Tina followed a traditional path, enrolling in a four-year university where she benefited from free tuition due to her father's job. While she had financial support, she still worked various jobs and internships to cover living expenses and develop work experience.  

  • Kadri wasn't ready for university and chose to spend time with family in France after high school. This led to a unique experience, but he didn't prioritize savings, spending money on travel and other material items.   

  • Kadri's early financial decisions focused on living in the moment, while Tina's choices reflected a more structured approach, influenced by her need for stability and desire to retire as early as possible.   

Navigating Careers and Financial Challenges  

  • Tina pursued a career in accounting after grad school. It started with a high-paying job at an accounting firm that offered substantial benefits, and she stayed at that job for 9 years. She credits luck for landing this position during a tough job market, but she also made conscious choices to maximize her retirement savings early on.  

  • Kadri's financial path was less structured. He switched between jobs and spent his earnings on travel and experiences. It wasn't until his late 20s that he began to take retirement savings seriously. At one point, he accumulated $48,000 in credit card debt after being laid off, always thinking he'd figure it out later.   

  • The Great Recession impacted both hosts, with Tina opting to stay in school longer to avoid the job market and Kadri finding himself navigating an unstable job landscape. Despite these challenges, Kadri continued to prioritize experiences over savings.  

  • Tina remained focused on saving, driven by a desire to retire early, while Kadri took a more carefree approach, spending freely without long-term financial planning. Both now see how these decisions shaped their current financial situations. 

Finding Balance: Reflections and Lessons Learned  

  • As they approach their 40s, Kadri and Tina reflect on how their financial decisions have shaped their lives. Kadri knows he could have saved more, while Tina sometimes wonders if she could have enjoyed life a bit more by spending more freely.  

  • Kadri shares with us that the relationships and experiences he gained were worth the money spent, but he doesn't remember much of the material things purchased during that time. Now he is more calculated with his money and open with friends and family about financial health.    

  • Both hosts encourage listeners to find their own balance between saving and living in the moment. They remind us that small financial changes can have a compounding effect over time and that it's never too late to make adjustments to secure your financial future 

If you want to work with a Certified Financial Trainer to help navigate your finances, schedule a free warm-up call today! If you have any ideas or questions for the show, send an email to


Meet The Trainer 

Meet Kadri Augustin, Certified Trainer Advisor 

Meet Tina Hang, Certified Trainer Advisor


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