Garrett Faulconer

Garrett Faulconer

Financial Trainer


Los Angeles, CA

While playing football for over 15 years it became very evident to Garrett that โ€œfinancial literacyโ€ would not be a focus of the coaching he would receive. So after his playing days concluded and he taught himself about finance began coaching football at his high school alma mater. There he took it upon himself to educate his players and give them some sort of financial education that he (and many others) never received. He loved watching them learn and actually put the lessons into practice. Now he takes his passion for educating those in finance to the amazing members of The Financial Gym! With time and effort he hopes to help others reach their goals and understand all financial issues can be fixed!

What is the best financial advice you were ever given?
With time and effort, all financial issues can be fixed!

What are you working for?

Iโ€™m working on my own personal financial freedom through investments both in stock and property. Iโ€™m also working on spreading as much financial literacy as possible to the population as a whole.

Whatโ€™s your best and worst financial decision?

Best: Taking it upon myself to learn as much financial literacy as possible and develop an understanding of what it means to live below my means and paying myself first!

Worst: Letting FOMO get the best of me during the Bitcoin boom and investing in it without understanding what I was really doing

Whatโ€™s your favorite financial tip?

Invest with Intent. Before you begin investing in the stock market make sure you have your bases covered by a substantial amount in your emergency fund and no high-interest debt. And even when those bases are covered, before you invest think about WHY you are investing and that goals timeline. When you invest, be sure to understand your average return is 7-10% per year so if your goal is more short term, it may make more sense to save your funds in a high yield savings account rather than invest.


Expert in: (ex: Budgeting, Savings, Investing, Family Planning)
Debt Management, Budgeting, Savings, Investing, Credit Card Hacking & Real Estate.


The Financially Free Blog


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