Hector Lopez

Hector Lopez

Business Analyst


Milpitas, CA

Hector Lopez started his journey with a burden of financial uncertainty and successfully turned his financial life around using simple yet effective budgeting techniques. Hector also understands the struggles and anxieties that can come with financial difficulties, which is why he is deeply passionate about helping others achieve their financial goals. He leverages his personal experience to provide empathetic and practical guidance to his clients. He believes that anyone can attain financial security and success with the right strategies and mindset. Whether it’s debt management or investment planning, Hector is committed to empowering anyone looking for a financial workout to take control of their financial future.

What is the best financial advice you were ever given?

It’s not always about the money you’re earning but the money you’re able to keep.

What are you working for?

I’m saving for larger life goals and leaving enough in the budget to take interesting courses along the way.

What’s your best and worst financial decision?

Best financial decision: I started looking at my numbers instead of assuming I was doing okay since I wasn’t running out of money in my checking account.

Worst financial decision: Kept a car for far longer than it was economically reasonable.

What’s your favorite financial tip?

Separate your variable expenses from your overall monthly expenses into a separate account (checking or specific credit card).

Expert in:

Budgeting & Investing